Fêtes de fin d’année à l’Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo

Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo

Отзывы наших клиентов

Отзывы наших клиентов
Reviews 39
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Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo

amazing, luxurious and relaxing

I am fortunate to stay in some of the best hotels in the world but this is now the family favourite.


Excellent hotel to stay in, with premier service and extremely good range of food for breakfast. The style of the building is attractive and well presented

Magnificent. Our best experience ever.

My wife and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary and we had the most amazing time. We travel a lot and have stayed and experienced great hotels all over the world. Our stay at your fantastic hotel was the best experience we´ve ever had so far. - The staff treated us like royalties. - Our room was beautiful and so comfortable, and the upgrade was extremely appreciated. Mind blowing for us. - Food and drinks were top quality throughout. - Concierge was a huge help and made our stay very relaxed and comfortable. - Our welcome treats was very generous and very much appreciated. My wife and I are definitely coming back during at some point next year. Many thanks to the management, the staff, concierge and everyone else that made our stay a memory and experience that will last forever.

the best ever

We stayed for 3 nights and our experience of the hotel was fantastic from start to finish. we enjoyed an exquisite evening in the courtyard and Salle Empire for a wedding anniversary celebration during our stay and also had fun at the 7th floor pool in the gym and around the area. We also love Monte Carlo Bay but have found a new favourite with the Hotel de Paris. Thank you to all of the staff, who made our experience unforgettable.

Great experience overall

The staff and hotel facilities were excellent and made our stay very pleasant.

absolute perfection

There is absolutely nothing you do wrong. The entire resort is stunning, all restaurants are fabulous, stylish, and good quality. But perhaps above all what really shines is the friendliness of the service. Everyone's huge smiles, enthusiasm and kindness. Your staff radiates joy and makes you feel welcome.
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Le Louis XV- Alain Ducasse à l’Hôtel de Paris

Обладатель трёх звёзд Мишлен ресторан Le Louis XV - Alain Ducasse à l'Hôtel de Paris продолжает удивлять. Меню от шеф-поваров Эммануэль Пилон и Алена Дюкасса подтверждает свою современность и новизну. Кухня, воспевающая солнце... Именно так Ален Дюкасс определяет элитное меню ресторана Le Louis XV - Alain Ducasse à l'Hôtel de Paris. В его кухне, вдохновлённой Ривьерой, преобладают продукты, вкусы и краски региона, свидетельствуя о точности вкусовых ощущений.
- Шеф-повар Эмманюэль Пилон -

Программа лояльности

Программа лояльности My Monte-Carlo позволяет получить персональное сопровождение и множество эксклюзивных преимуществ в каждом заведении комплекса Resort!

Diamond Suite Princesse Grace Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo Monaco - widget

Diamond Suites Collection

Enjoy an experience like no other in one of the 23 most beautiful suites on the French Riviera: an ultra-stylish collection for a stay that’s simply unforgettable.

Проведение мероприятий

Расположенный в самом сердце площади Казино Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo предоставляет к вашим услугам восемь банкетных и конференц-залов для проведения деловых и личных мероприятий на высоком уровне.
Inspiration Emagazine


Prepare to be amazed by a world of unique experiences, all exclusive to Monaco.


Ищите идеальный подарок близкому человеку? Сумму выбираете Вы: наша подарочная карта будет действительна на протяжении года. Ее можно использовать один и более раз, чтобы насладиться многочисленными предложениями Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer: ресторанами, барами, салонами красоты, отелями, концертными залами, мероприятиями на воде и сувенирными лавками...

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Coya Monte-Carlo

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